by David Levitz | May 21, 2020 | Clinical article1, Medical Research
To provide descriptive statistics of AVE’s performance on 3 cervical cancer projects in China: 1 NIH clinical trial and 2 screening camps.
by David Levitz | May 21, 2020 | Medical Research
Presented at the 2020 ASCCP Annual Scientific Sessions Performance of automated visual evaluation as a triage test for HPV+ patients from a screening camp in rural China from MobileODT AT Goldstein (1), S Bedell (1), R Lipson (2), CM Sebag (3), L Lobel (3), D Levitz...
by David Levitz | May 21, 2020 | Medical Research
Presented at the 2020 ASCCP Annual Scientific Sessions Device Impact on Machine Learning Classifier Accuracy in Detecting Cervical Dysplasia from MobileODT KC Fernandes (1), T Freitas (1), Y Zall (2), R Nissim (2), D Levitz (2) (1), Porto, Portugal (2)...
by MobileODT | Aug 6, 2019 | Medical Research
Presented at IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 2019 Conference in Berlin, Germany (July 2019) Abstract: Visual examination forms an integral part of cervical cancer screening. With the recent rise in smartphonebased health technologies, capturing cervical...
by MobileODT | Aug 6, 2019 | Medical Research
READ THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE AT THE PANASIAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY> Objective: To assess the feasibility of using a mobile colposcope as a screening tool for underserved urban populations in Mumbai. Materials and methods: This study was conducted in...
by MobileODT | Jun 25, 2019 | Clinical article1, clinical lobby2, Medical Research
The purpose of this work was to compare the effects of a mobile colposcopy program used by a young doctor compared to an experienced gynecologist.
by MobileODT | Apr 15, 2019 | Clinical article1, clinical lobby2, Medical Research
To assess the feasibility of a live, telecolposcopy system in clinics serving high-risk populations. Of interest is to understand the feasibility of an integrated telecolposcopy solution from the perspectives of patient and provider acceptance in comparison to in-person oversight of an exam.
by MobileODT | Apr 15, 2019 | Clinical article1, clinical lobby2, Medical Research
Demonstrate effectiveness of the first use of a prospective, real-time machine learning (ML) algorithm in a clinical setting.
by MobileODT | Feb 28, 2019 | Clinical article1, clinical lobby1, Medical Research
Logistical and economic issues make traditional cytology-based cervical cancer screening challenging in developing countries. Alternative, cost-effective, screening strategies must be developed to screen millions of women in resource-poor countries such as Cambodia.