Presented at the 2019 ASCCP Annual Scientific Sessions
Rachel Steward (1), Jennifer Spohn (1), Eliya Tenenboim (2,) Cathy Sebag (2), David Levitz (2)
(1) FPA Women’s Health, Los Angeles, CA (2) MobileODT, Tel Aviv, Israel
Objective: To assess the feasibility of a live, telecolposcopy system in clinics serving high-risk populations. Of interest is to understand the feasibility of an integrated telecolposcopy solution from the perspectives of patient and provider acceptance in comparison to in-person oversight of an exam.
Methods: A custom feature was built into MobileODT’s EVA System, a smartphone-based colposcope, utilizing a video-conferencing application. Through screen sharing, the provider at the point of care showed the expert a live video feed of the colposcopy exam, and the expert then recommended sites to biopsy. Following the procedure, a satisfaction survey is given to all remote experts, point of care providers, and patients. All twelve subjects who underwent telecolposcopy filled out a survey. As a control group, N=10 patients undergoing traditional colposcopy were also given surveys.
Results: Initial findings showed that experts were able to assist the junior providers in colposcopy procedures. Patients reacted positively to the live expert supervision.
Conclusions: Preliminary results suggest that live telecolposcopy is feasible on a mobile, connected colposcope.