by MobileODT | Feb 28, 2019 | Clinical article1, clinical lobby1, Medical Research
Logistical and economic issues make traditional cytology-based cervical cancer screening challenging in developing countries. Alternative, cost-effective, screening strategies must be developed to screen millions of women in resource-poor countries such as Cambodia.
by MobileODT | Feb 26, 2019 | Clinical article1, clinical lobby1, Medical Research
When running large trials, histopathology services are used to assess the state of a tissue. However, in many clinics in low resource settings there are large variations in quality of such services, specifically in biopsy processing and histopathological interpretation/assessment of images. Quality assurance (QA) is needed, but it involves physically mailing slides to a remote clinic. A telemedicine solution can address this challenge.
by MobileODT | Feb 4, 2019 | Clinical article1, clinical lobby1, Medical Research
NOTE: Using the EVA System to visualize and document the instruction with the cervical cancer instructional apparatus.
by MobileODT | Apr 13, 2016 | Clinical article1, clinical lobby1, Medical Research
Abstract : A persistent challenge facing global health actors is ensuring that time-bound interventions are ultimately adopted and integrated into local health systems for long term health system strengthening and capacity building.