(June 12, 2017) Today, MobileODT announced the launch of its third generation mobile colposcope, the FDA-cleared EVA System. This improved device is 12% lighter, boasts improved lighting, and expands the user’s network and support system by serving as a secure platform for case collaboration and sharing.
“User feedback was considered while making every improvement and addition. Improved optics, brighter illumination, more efficient power consumption, greater durability, and smarter firmware were all included in order to deliver the best quality for our users” said Shai Assia, Head of Hardware at MobileODT.
The EVA System mobile colposcope now supports secure case-sharing for providers. Healthcare providers can contact colleagues in real time, and collaborate to get feedback or a second opinion on cases. The platform allows providers to review patient history and annotated images and seamlessly discuss a patient case. The HIPAA-compliant platform protects all patient information while allowing providers to support each case within a clinic, or across an ocean.
Here are some of the new features included in the third generation EVA System mobile colposcope:
- Optics and Illumination:
- Higher-quality lens assembly
- Addition of battery indication lights
- Research Support:
- The EVA for Research package enables users to gather information from the field and maintain full and verified records of patients
- Real-time analytics give program directors the ability to make informed decisions on training, support, and program implementation
- Secure collaboration:
- Users can get feedback from colleagues in real time with the HIPAA-compliant case sharing feature
- Ergonomics
- Centrally-located strap for better stabilization
- Reduced weight (~12% lighter)
- Silicone covers to prevent scratch when placed down and better dust resistance
The EVA System is available for $3,600 today. Purchase here or contact us today at info@mobileodt.com