Cervical cancer screening for sex workers


Join Dr. Judy Norman as she shares her suggestions for best practice in serving sex workers women’s health needs based on her extensive work with the population in her women’s health practice at the Mercy Medical Center in Cambodia.

Sex workers experience numerous healthcare issues, especially those working against their will and enter the trade at a young age.

In this guide you will learn:
  • The women’s health implcation of sex work
  • Presumptive treatment plan for those leaving the sex trade
  • The risk of combined HPV-HIV infection
  • Adjustments to standard cervical cancer screening protocols for sex workers

"Sex workers as a group are at an increased risk for cervical cancer . Internationally, HIV positive sex workers have a 73.3% likelihood of also becoming HPV carriers."

MobileODT Women’s Health Special Populations Project

MobileODT has the honor of working with women’s health clinicians around the world. Increasing immigration and shifts in social norms have led many healthcare providers to interact with patients from unfamiliar backgrounds with unfamiliar considerations.

Our Special Populations Project taps into the collective knowledge within the network of EVA System users that spans 42 countries, to give other clinicians an insider’s view on certain special populations.

These guides are intended to start the conversation and to give clinicians an initial sense of the issues involved. Official protocols and local guidelines should be adhered to in every case.

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